Saturday 21 October 2023

The Elites

War is profitable. Military industrial complexes foster war.

Some say, the Jesuits are behind the evil in this world (Roman Catholic Church). Others say the Zionists (Rothchilds) are to blame. There may be truth to all of these statements.

They're hell bent on power and world domination.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Questioning tertiary intelligence 1#

There is a common misconception that in order to be considered, a generally "smart" person, you must have graduated from some sort of tertiary institute. But this simply can't be the case. From an analytic point of view, we as humans must face the fact that humans created the term "intelligence" and worst yet, we still can't reach a consensus as to what it truly means. Psychologists such as, Stern and Gardener did their best to contribute to this problem by firstly creating separate theories as to what intelligence is, to how it can be measured. And though it may said that the efforts of such men were good intention-ed, it can't be denied that there were consequences for such ideas. For example, lets consider the intelligent quotient. It was considered by many to the most accurate to measurement of many intelligent abilities

Questioning tertiary intelligence 1#

There is a common misconception that in order to be considered a generally smart” person you must have graduated from some sort of tertiary institute. But this simply can't be the case. From an analytic point of view, we as humans must face the fact that humans created the term intelligence” and worst yet, we still can't reach a consensus as to what it truly means. Psychologists such as, Stern and Gardener did their best to contribute to this problem by firstly creating separate theories as to what intelligence is, and how it can be measured. And though it must be said that the efforts of such men were good intention-ed, it can't be denied that there were consequences for such ideas. For example, lets consider the intelligent quotient. It was considered by many to the most accurate measurement of mental aptitude.

Ideological evolution

Ideas go through evolution, similarly to the Darwinian notion of natural selection. But ideas are different to cellular organisms because they exist in a psychological construct of mental schema and thoughts. At a fundamental levels ideas may be electrical codes communicated through nervous systems, like binary.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Dream concept 1

            Dreams have a Psycho-neuro-endocrinological homeostatic function. In simpler terms, I am firstly stating that dreaming does have a purpose. Secondly, I am proposing that the purpose of a dream is to gain a chemical equilibrium within the brain. The dream achieves this equilibrium by using dream content. The role of dream content, is to elicit an emotional response from the dreamer. This emotional response will in turn trigger the release and dissipation of certain chemicals within the brain. The point of dreaming, is to achieve that chemical balance, regardless of Dream content. Dream content is only the means of obtaining this goal. Dream content is the tool that the body uses to manipulate emotions. This logically implies that emotion is not a useless component of the dreaming mind. Is this the mind-body connection?